Sponsorship Benefits 


 Your organization can make a clear investment in the support of rural school districts and students in the great State of Texas. TREA offers businesses the opportunity to sponsor at distinct levels of giving which are described below. Each level has unique benefits which include online recognition and premiere speaking and exhibit opportunities. Make an impact on rural schools today.








Diamond | $15,000

Exclusive Industry Sponsor at Diamond Level
Recognition in Executive Director’s Email Signature
Recognition in Annual Conference Program, during General Sessions, Newsletters and Email Communications to Membership
Included in TREA Buyers Guide
One Complimentary Exhibit Space at Annual Conference
(Preferred location)
Diamond Sponsor Designation at Booth
Invitation to Directors Meeting & Members Dinner During MidWinter
Invitation to Directors Meeting During Annual Conference
Recognition at Directors Dinner During Annual Conference (First Choice Additional Sponsor Opportunities)
Four Complimentary Conference Registrations (includes meals at Scholarship Banquet, General Session Breakfast and OTY Awards Lunch)
Two 30 Minute Breakout Sessions at Annual Conference (May be combined to one 1 hour)
Sponsor-Produced Webinar or Sponsor/Present at a Regional Meeting (if scheduled & additional fee) both Hosted by TREA and Must be used in current membership year.
Prominent Logo Placement and Recognition on TREA website
Endorsement of Company's Products and Services (after due diligence review)

Gold | $5,000

Sponsor Highlighted in One Issue of the TREA Newsletter
Included in TREA Buyers Guide

Recognition in Annual Conference Program and General Sessions

One Complimentary Exhibit Space at Annual Conference
Gold Sponsor Designation at Booth
Two Complimentary Conference Registrations (includes meals at Scholarship Banquet, General Session Breakfast and OTY Awards Lunch)
One 30 Minute Breakout Session at Annual Conference
Recognition on TREA Website
One Sponsor-Produced Webinar Hosted by TREA (Must be used in current membership year) 
Endorsement of Companies Products or Services (after due diligence review)

Silver | $3,000

Sponsor Highlighted in One Issue of the TREA Newsletter
Included in TREA Buyers Guide 

Recognition in Annual Conference Program
One Complimentary Exhibit Space at Annual Conference
Silver Sponsor Designation at Booth
One Complimentary Conference Registrations (includes meals at Scholarship Banquet, General Session Breakfast and OTY Awards Lunch)
Recognition on TREA Website
One Sponsor-Produced Webinar Hosted by TREA (Must be used in current membership year)

Scholarship | $2,400 (business) $2,000 (individual)

Sponsor Highlighted in One Issue of the TREA Newsletter
Recognition During Scholarship Awards Banquet
Recognition in Annual Conference Program
Recognition on TREA Website following the Scholarship Banquet
Scholarship Videos remain on the TREA YouTube channel 

Bronze | $800

Sponsor Logo in One Issue of the TREA Newsletter
Included in TREA Buyers Guide
Recognition in Annual Conference Program
Recognition on TREA Website